Walter the Diceman 10 000

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« Walter_the_diceman_10000 » Gaël Segalen (France / 2007) 5:41 (french)

Diffusion Audiowalk Sound Drop Sweet Sixteen (MU / Paris Quartier d’Eté festival 2007)

… flambe pour une épicière du 16 et lui offre le jeu de la vie. plan séquence  – restitué dans la durée de son enregistrement –

avec / with Walter Shnorkell

to resume the scene, Walter talks about applying the lesson of the book “Dice Man” by Luke Rhinehart and teaches me in live action how to rule an old school dice game played in parisian popular bars by algerians called “10 000”, how to take risks or not, till what point … how do you allow the dice take action and decide for your life.
Walter is always dressed up and is a gambler, kind of 50’s, he is a sort of “titi parisien – parisian kid” and talks the appropriate slang.




” 1 an déjà depuis dice man Tokyo… Cette chienne de vie aura notre peau … Bonne quête du Graal sonic “ Walter Shnorkell

” Just enjoying Walter the dice man again – one day I’ll have to find out what he’s actually saying, but for now I’m enjoying this imaginary scene… something kind of secretive about it… the dice, the creak of his shoe, this voice, all this shuffling and clicking, the match and smoking, the breath and a bit of dancing… and the echoing environment… how beautiful. (maybe it is also quite humorous….? like from a Godard film)” Brandon Labelle


L’Ange le Sage