Website Dossier de presse Gaël SEGALEN Différé/Delayed 52’17 | 2005 ÉCOUTER – LISTEN: Collage de field recordings, matières sonores brutes. Il se dit des choses, entre la baie de San Francisco, le désert du Nord Niger, et d’autres lieux plus intimes. Collage of field recordings, raw sound material. People say all kinds of things, in the San […]
Read More5_goodByeBayview.mp3 4%20Vocab_bayview.mp3 4%20Piste%2004_frere_jacques.mp3 Bayview – Hunters Point, a district of San Francisco one of San Francisco’s low income public housing projects, built south of the city on the now closed naval ship yard’s production that continues to pollute and poison the air of the residents. thank you Mr Biaye French afterschool class teacher @ Bayview […]
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Read Moregoing back home, once again, leaving San Francisco to Paris, transiting at JFK / NYC airport (2005) this escalator goes to the AirTrain connecting airlines terminals Escalator_JFK airport
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Read MoreUS train Oakland California – july 2005 / je regarde passer le train situation plutôt absurde alors que je suis en train d’enregistrer et de me laisser bercer, quelqu’un me demande si je “sais quelle heure il est” (au décompte -1:00 minute) pretty absurd situation when listening to that sound / flow and recording it, someone […]
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Read Morechants_percus_reverb_naturelle_44k.mp3 kids starting a Tindé ceremony / voices, clapping hands and a water drum, strange natural reverb chant_danse_enfants.mp3 same Tindé, young girls choir / dancing steps of the young men cri_et_tccc_chevre_Raichita.mp3 The young Raichita is calling her goats Mortier_cuisiniere.mp3 pestle, mortar, breathing to prepare lunch meal for kids, class in the background Mortier%20cuisiniere_bass.mp3 the […]
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Read MoreSOUND WILL BE POSTED SOON – credit photos Gaël segalen ⌽⌽ ⌽ ⌽ ⌽⌽ ⌽ End of summer 2004, NY was chosen as the city to host republicans from the whole country to nominate their representant, talking about Bush. Manhattan became suddenly a complete dedicated perimeter security. New Yorkers, highly offended, got involved for a […]
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